Extended Review Situation Analysis of South Africa’s Response to Orphans and Vulnerable Children

December 6, 2017
Authors: The Partnership for Child Development
Organization: The Partnership for Child Development

This report of the OVC program in South Africa was administered as an internet-based and library search comprised of research and program reports; South African Government policy documents, Acts of Parliament and  international agreements; and peer reviews journal articles. This literature review desired to gain a better understanding of how the South African Education Department and its stakeholders have responded to the plight of OVC. It was guided by specific questions and the information gained from these questions is relevant to the Partnership for Child Development’s (PCD) OVC program. This program seeks to support national school feeding programs in target countries. This report also drew information from the proceedings of the one-day workshop on responses to OVC in South Africa, held in July 2013 at the University of Pretoria.