HIV risk screening for high-yield community testing services for orphans and vulnerable children: a literature review

June 14, 2017
Authors: Malia Duffy, Melissa Sharer, Aida Berhan, Judith Kose, Helen Cornman, Jennifer Pearson and Sabrina Eagan
Organization: Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies

Testing is the first step to reaching 90% with diagnosis and 90% with treatment, yet there are so many reasons why children do not make it to a clinic to be tested for HIV.  Community testing services are essential for reaching children, but what is the right way to reach the most at-risk children and preventing stigma within the community?  This literature review found 26 studies, including 428,501 participants, looking HIV testing for vulnerable children.  Of identified screens, all were facility based; there were no examples of a validated community-based HIV testing screen for OVC.  The article identifies community testing services for OVC as a critical gap in reaching the 90-90-90 goals.