Increasing Access and Adherence to the PMTCT Cascade: Is There a Role for Economic Strengthening Interventions?

July 10, 2018
Authors: Irina Yacobson, Morrisa Malkin, and Elena Lebetkin
Organization: International Journal of Population Research

Care and treatment for the prevention-of-mother-to-child-transmission (PMTCT) is widely available but underutilized; and while economic barriers to pregnant women living with HIV are documented, there is less known about whether economic strengthening interventions could improve PMTCT adherence.  This literature review found few studies directly answering the question, but did find studies within the health care setting, more broadly, which showed that economic strengthening could improve access and retention in care.  The evidence suggests that more research is warranted to test the role that economic strengthening could have on improving the PMTCT cascade.