The International Consortium on Nurturing Values and Spirituality in Early Childhood for the Prevention of Violence Against Children was convened to discuss the role of religious communities in challenging cultural and social norms that condone violence and share good practices from religious communities and civil society organizations that help prevent and address violence against children in the family and school contexts.
The consortium convened round table discussions in Brazil, India, Kenya, Lebanon, and Sri Lanka to discuss the role of the faith community in addressing violence against children in these contexts. Out of those discussions, the consortium wrote advocacy booklets to challenge social and cultural norms that condone violence in early childhood, facilitate learning about the impact of violence on children, bring dialogue to the local communities, and inspire change. The Advocacy Booklets are good resources for use with partners and communities we are working with.
INSPIREd Faith Communities: Nurturing Values and Spirituality in Early Childhood for the Prevention of Violence