Strengthening Caregiver Parenting Skills for Family Reintegration

October 10, 2019
Organization: Catholic Relief Services, 4Children project

Keeping Children in Healthy and Protective Families (KCHPF) is an operational research project that supported the reintegration of children living in residential care back into family care.  The research was designed to evaluate the impact of adding a household-based parenting program to a standardized reintegration package that included individualized case management support and a reunification cash grant, aimed at strengthening the reintegration of children living in residential care back into family care.  Participants in the parenting program had unique and diverse needs thus the intent was not only to support the reintegration process but also to strengthen caregiver-child relationships throughout the household.

The project solicited feedback from caregivers and parenting facilitators through a satisfaction survey, interviews and reflective sessions focused on their experience participating in and delivering the parenting curriculum.  The forty-seven (47) caregivers who completed all parenting sessions were asked to comment on their overall satisfaction with the content and delivery of the parenting education program.  This practitioner brief focuses in on the key aspects of the parenting intervention that were appreciated by participants and includes recommendations for strengthening future parenting interventions for reintegration support.