Summary of Key Approaches for Improving HIV Testing and Services for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV

August 25, 2017
Authors: Kate Greenaway, Francesca Stuer
Organization: CRS

The Coordinating Comprehensive Care for Children project (4Children) completed a series of case studies to promote learning from OVC programs that have successfully designed interventions and approaches to increase HIV testing and services (HTS) for children.  4Children conducted field visits and documented best practices of COGRI’s Lea Toto program and FHI360 led APHIAplus program in Kenya, the World Education Inc./Bantwana Expanded IMPACT Program (EIP) in Zimbabwe and Pact’s Yekokeb Berhan program for highly vulnerable children in Ethiopia.

This document summarizes the barriers to obtaining HTS for children and identifies the strengths and successes of each program in linking children with services. The gaps and challenges still faced by each program inform the recommendations for improving HTS within OVC programs.