Knocking on every door: The Family-Centered Approach to reaching every child living with HIV
December 17, 2024UNICEF’s latest Spotlight Report, Knocking on Every Door, showcases Tanzania’s Family-Centred Approach, where dedicated community health workers, known as Wakili Tiba, embody compassion and unwavering commitment. They go above and beyond to locate and link children and adolescents to life-saving treatment, breaking barriers and ensuring no child is left behind. Discover their inspiring journey and transformative impact. Download the report here.
Read more »Innovations in Community-led Monitoring for OVC & DREAMS Programming
December 8, 2021On December 2, 2021, ACHIEVE hosted a webinar around the launch of its Community-led Monitoring Toolkit for OVC and Dreams Programming. During the event, the ACHIEVE team shared details from the toolkit development process including field experiences from pilot activities held in August and September 2021. Click the following link to watch a recording of… View Article
Read more »Guide: Supporting Pediatric ART Adherence
December 6, 2021Lay health workers, OVC case managers, and community health workers can play an important role in pediatric and adolescent HIV treatment adherence. The CDC partnered with ICAP to develop training materials to support OVC case managers lay workers and community health workers, and other community-based cadres to support peds ART adherence. By understanding the basic… View Article
Read more »Providing Care and Support to Children of Female Sex Workers: Training for Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Program Staff
December 1, 2021Children of female sex workers (CFSWs) are a highly vulnerable group of children due to their exposure to a combination of health, social, and economic risk factors. These children often live in extreme poverty, experience food insecurity, have poor access to essential services, and are at increased risk of HIV infection, as well as physical,… View Article
Read more »Association between caregiver sex and HIV infection among OVC
July 2, 2020In a recent publication by the Pact Tanzania team working on the USAID Kizazi Kipya project, a study assessed whether the sex of the caregiver is assocaited with a positive HIV status of OVC. The study found that “OVC in Tanznia with male caregivers have a 40% higher likelihood of being HIV-positive than those with… View Article
Read more »Stigma reduction interventions for children and adolescents in low- and middle-income countries: Systematic review of intervention strategies
February 6, 2020This review synthesized and compared stigma reduction interventions across stigmatized groups in low and middle-income countries (LMIC), specifically highlighting stigma reduction interventions that targeted children and adolescents. Within 61 unique publications describing 79 interventions, utilizing 14 unique stigma reduction strategies, 14 papers discussed 21 interventions and 10 unique strategies involving children. Most studies targeted HIV/AIDS… View Article
Read more »Pictorial Tools for HIV-sensitive Community Case Management: A Toolkit to Deliver Standard Operating Procedures for Case Management
December 18, 2019This toolkit is a set of resources and tools for delivery of case management for OVC programming in low-literacy settings. The content is based on and simplifies the Standard Operating Procedures for Case Management developed by the Coordinating Comprehensive Care for Children (4Children) project. The toolkit is designed as a comprehensive and complete package. While… View Article
Read more »Suubi+Adherence study protocol: A family economic empowerment intervention addressing HIV treatment adherence for perinatally infected adolescents
November 8, 2019This study aims to advance knowledge and inform the development of the next generation of programs aimed at increasing adherence to HIV treatment for HIV+ adolescents in low-resource regions such as sub-Saharan Africa. This is the first time research has looked at integrating and testing family economic empowerment and stability-focused interventions for HIV+ adolescents in… View Article
Read more »Strengthening Caregiver Parenting Skills for Family Reintegration
October 10, 2019Keeping Children in Healthy and Protective Families (KCHPF) is an operational research project that supported the reintegration of children living in residential care back into family care. The research was designed to evaluate the impact of adding a household-based parenting program to a standardized reintegration package that included individualized case management support and a reunification… View Article
Read more »Adapting a Parenting Program to Support Family Reintegration
October 8, 2019Keeping Children in Healthy and Protective Families (KCHPF) is an operational research project that supported the reintegration of children living in residential care back into family care. The research was designed to evaluate the impact of adding a household-based parenting program to a standardized reintegration package that included individualized case management support and a reunification… View Article
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