• Announcements

    Sara A. Fajardo/CRS

January 19, 2018

Consultant for Assessing QI Process in OVC Project in Lesotho

Home / Events / Consultant for Assessing QI Process in OVC Project in Lesotho
January 19, 2018 - January 30, 2018

The purpose of this Scope of Work is to assess and document Quality Improvement (QI) implementation process in relation to Catholic Relief Services (CRS) OVC Project. The consultant will conduct the study to inform the scaling up of the Community Improvement Teams (CITs) in all the districts and community councils. This study will analyze the progress and results of the QI plans of the CITs and will form the basis for plans to extend the QI process to additional Ministry of Social Development (MoSD) stakeholders providing care to vulnerable children. The project has learned that there are several community cadres as well as district and community organizations, therefore the study also intends to assess which cadres and organizations are more effective, recognized by the government through different line ministries, and recommend on potential of alignment and restructuring project community cadres for sustainability and government ownership of the QI process.

Read details of the full job description and how to apply.