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Webinar: Transitioning OVC Services and DREAMS to Local Prime Implementers
Date: Thursday, June 20 at 8:00 – 9:00 AM EST / 15:00-16:00 CAT Watch the recording here. About the Webinar: The transition of Orphan...
Webinar: Child Safeguarding Communications Toolkit and Child Safeguarding Monitoring Tools
Date: Wednesday, May 29 at 8:00 – 9:30 AM EST / 15:00-16:30 CAT Link to connect: https://meet.google.com/gfv-rkeg-jjg About the Webin...
Webinar: Differentiated Service Delivery (DSD) Models to Optimize HIV Care for Children and Adolescents
Click here to register About the webinar: Please join the OVC Task Force for the webinar: Differentiated Service Delivery (DSD) Models to Opt...
Webinar: Differentiated Service Delivery in Improving HIV Outcomes for Vulnerable Children and Adolescents
Click here to register Tuesday, October 24, 2023 About the webinar: This will be the first of a two-part webinar series focusing on DSD. In...
Pact at AIDS 2022
Join Pact for an AIDS Satellite Session on Sunday, July 31, 17:45 – 19:15 EST/ Montreal time. Global progress toward 95% viral suppression among ...
Webinar: USAID Kizazi Kipya project virtual close out event: Toward a sustainable, locally led OVC response in Tanzania
On March 3, 2022, Pact hosted a webinar on the USAID-funded Kizazi Kipya project, which has transformed the lives of 1.7 million vulnerable HIV-affec...
Webinar: OVC Electronic Case Management System (eCMS) Implementation Guidance
Register for the Webinar Wednesday, January 19, 2022 9:00-10:30 am EST About the webinar: The webinar will discuss Data.FI's published, ...
Webinar: The Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS Business Meeting
Click here to register Thursday, November 4, 2021 About the webinar: The Coalition strives to be ‘ahead of the curve’; to anticipate what m...
Hybrid Forum -Innovate. Integrate. Thrive., Call for Abstracts!
Click here to submit an abstract! Maputo, Mozambique 13 – 15 October 2021 REPSSI welcomes submission of abstracts from experts in the field of PS...
Webinar: Supporting Caregivers in Transitioning Children to Pediatric Dolutegravir (pDTG)
Click here to register! When: Wed, July 28, 2021 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM EST About the Webinar: In this edition of E2A's webinar, The U.S. Preside...
Webinar: Understanding and Improving Viral Load Suppression in Children Living with HIV
Integrating the Health and Social Service Sectors to Achieve Health for All Tuesday, April 20 2021 8:30-10AM New York (GMT-4) 2:30-4PM Geneva (GM...
Webinar: Integrating the Health and Social Service Sectors to Achieve Health for All
Integrating the Health and Social Service Sectors to Achieve Health for All Tuesday, March 16th, 2021 8:00 - 9:30 AM EST Stay tuned for materials...
Webinar: Harnessing Social Protection
Harnessing Social Protection to Improve HIV Outcomes in Vulnerable Children and Adolescents Thursday, February 25th, 2021 9:30 - 11:00 AM EST 2:30 ...
Webinar: What Works? Effective coordination between OVC and HIV clinical partners to improve pediatric HIV case finding, retention and viral load suppression
Wednesday, January 13th, 2021 8-9:30 AM New York (GMT-4) 4-5:30 PM Nairobi (GMT+4) Webinar Recording: What Works? Effective coordination betwee...
XXIV ISPCAN International Congress
15-18 November 2020 Adelaide, Australia Theme: 20/20 Vision: Child Maltreatment Prevention https://www.ispcan.org/adelaide2020/...
American Public Health Association Conference
24-28 October 2020 San Francisco, CA Theme: Creating the Healthiest Nation: Preventing Violence https://www.apha.org/events-and-meetings/annu...
WEBINAR: Electronic Case Management: Streamlining and Optimizing Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Electronic Case Management: Streamlining and Optimizing Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Webinar Please find here resources from the webina...
International Step by Step Association (ISSA) Conference
5-9 October 2020 Belgrade, Serbia https://www.issa.nl/content/issa-conference-2020...
Webinar: Strengthening the Social Service Workforce for Vulnerable Children: Highlights from 4Children’s Journey in Uganda
Initiated in 2017, the 4Children Uganda System Strengthening Project has made significant contributions to the strengthening of the social service wor...
XVI European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents (EUSARF) Conference
1-4 September 2020 Zurich, Switzerland https://eusarf2020.ch/...
Working Together: A discussion on index testing for children - Webinar
Identification of children and adolescents living with HIV (C/ALHIV) is a key priority of PEPFAR to ensure timely diagnosis and linkage to life-saving...
Working Together: discussion on index testing for children
Working Together: A discussion on index testing for children What do Standard Operating Procedures mean for implementers? Updated: A recording of ...
23rd International AIDS Conference
6-10 July 2020 VIRTUAL (based out of San Francisco/Oakland, CA) Theme: Resilience https://www.aids2020.org/ An OVC satellite symposium hos...
5th Biennial Work+ Family Researchers Network Conference
24-27 June 2020 New York, New York Theme: Advancing Equality at Work and Home: Strengthening Science and Collaboration https://wfrn.org/confe...
IPSCAN European Regional Conference
ISPCAN in partnership with our Italian country partner, CISMAI is very proud to bring the 2020 Congress to be held in the Rimini Convention Center fro...
Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) 2020 Summit
6-8 May 2020 Dallas, TX https://cafo.org/summit/2020-2/...
13th Poverty and Social Protection Conference
15-17 April 2020 Kathmandu, Nepal http://www.pspconference.org/ This conference will focus on issues of poverty and its eradication, social i...
CWLA (Child Welfare League of America) 2020
25-29 March 2020 Washington, DC Theme: Sharing Ideas that Strengthen Families and Engage Communities to Promote Child Well-Being CWLA’s 202...
Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) 2020 Conference
January 15-19, 2020 Washington, DC Theme: Reducing Racial and Economic Inquality The SSWR Annual Conference offers a scientific program that ...
Keeping Children Safe Africa Conference 2020
Nairobi, Kenya January 8, 2020--Working Group Discussions January 9, 2020--Conference Keeping Children Safe will be leading discussions child...
International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA)
Kigali, Rwanda The conference theme "AIDS FREE AFRICA - Innovation, Community, and Political Leadership" engages the whole continent and all stak...
Integrating Violence Against Children Prevention and Response into HIV Services
There is growing recognition that children of all ages and in all settings are at great risk of experiencing violence. However, being aware of a probl...
34th FICE International World Congress
When: 29 October-1 November 2019 Where: Tel Aviv, Israel Theme: Better future opportunities for children and young people in multicultural socie...
International Federation of Social Work Africa Region Conference
The 3rd International Federation of Social Work (IFSW) Africa Region Conference 2019 Theme: Strengthening Human Relations for Socio-economic and Po...
3rd International Workshop on HIV and Adolescence
October 2-4, 2019 Nairobi, Kenya For more information and registration: https://www.virology-education.com/event/upcoming/3rd-international-w...
The Global Case Management Package: Improving Targeted Support to Children and Families Affected by HIV
The Coordinating Comprehensive Care for Children (4Children) project strengthened social service systems through the development of standard operating...
Vacancy: Senior Child Protection Specialist, Save the Children US
For details on the position: https://recruiting.ultipro.com/SAV1002STCF/JobBoard/7d92e82b-af74-464d-859b-c5b8cba6e92e/OpportunityDetail?opportunity...
REPSSI Psychosocial Support Forum
Breaking Barriers... Creating Connections 27-29 August 2019 Windhoek, Namibia http://www.repssi.org/Forum2019.aspx...
22nd NACCW Biennial Conference and the 4th CYC-Net World Conference
When: 2-4 July 2019 Where: Durban, South Africa Theme: Nation Building--One Child at a Time https://graphics066.wixsite.com/naccwconference20...
One Child, Many Hands: A Multidisciplinary Conference on Child Welfare
When: 5-7 June 2019 Where: Philadelphia, PA Sponsor: The Field Center for Children's Policy, Practice and Research https://fieldcenteratpenn....
Prevent, Find, Link and Retain: The Essential Role of OVC Programming in HIV Epidemic Control
Full Conference Program On May 29-30, 2019, the OVC Task Force hosted a conference to highlight the contributions of OVC programs to the global 95-95-...
21st National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN)
When: 24-26 April 2019 Where: Washington, DC Theme: Strong and Thriving Families https://nccan.acf.hhs.gov/#&panel1-1 ...
Society for Research in Child Development 2019 Biennial Meeting
When: 21-23 March 2019 Where: Baltimore, MD https://www.srcd.org/meetings/biennial-meeting...
Investing in the Hardest to Reach Girls: Challenges and Opportunities
ICRW is taking part in a number of events this month at the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women(CSW62). From March 12th – 23rd, R...
WEBINAR: Integrating Mental Health and Psychosocial services into HIV services-A necessity to reach the 95-95-95 goals with key populations
Heartland Alliance International, John Snow, Inc., FHI360-LINKAGES, Erasmus Medical Center and Leiden University Medical Center invite you t...
Webinar: Savings Groups for Adolescents and Youth Affected by HIV
9:00am-10:00am; Online link to be shared soon How can savings groups for adolescents and youth contribute to positive youth developme...
Savings Groups for Adolescents and Youth Affected by HIV
How can savings groups for adolescents and youth contribute to positive youth development and HIV prevention, care, and treatment outcomes? On Janu...
Strengthening Referral Pathways for Children and Adolescents Affected by Sexual Violence: Lessons from Kenya and Uganda
January 24, 2019 9:00am-10:00am EST Children affected by sexual violence should access core health and social welfare support, and both servic...
Strengthening Referral Pathways for Children and Adolescents Affected by Sexual Violence: Lessons from Kenya and Uganda
Children affected by sexual violence should access core health and social welfare support, and both services should work together to build a case that...
Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) 2019 Conference
When: January 16-20, 2019 Where: San Francisco, CA The theme for SSWR's annual conference is Ending Gender-Based Family and Community Violence....
Positive Action Challenge--Applications due February 5, 2019
View this email in your browser Could YOU provide evidenc...
Sr. Technical Advisor for Child Protection and Alternative Care
The Senior Technical Advisor (STA) for Child Protection and Alternative Care will have the opportunity to provide strategic leadership and technical s...
Webinar: Integrating violence screening and support for young women accessing PrEP in South Africa and Tanzania – experiences from the EMPOWER study
From STRIVE's Learning Lab Tuesday 30 October, 12 Noon GMT Although we know that partner violence may undermine the use of oral pre-exposure p...
Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research
Liverpool, United Kingdom http://healthsystemsresearch.org/hsr2018/ ...
Application Deadline: Sept 25 for WHO training course
WHO Collaborating Centre for HIV Strategic Information has a pleasure of announcing a new Training Course: Reaching the 90-90-90 targets in key and pr...
5th Annual Social Service Workforce Week
For the last five years, the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance has held “Social Service Workforce Week” (SSWWeek) as a means to bring more ...
IPSCAN XXII International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect
IPSCAN is holding the XXII International Congress on the topic of Child Protection in the Changing World Prague, Czech Republic http://www.ispca...
UNICEF Learning Collaborative Webinar: Updates on Children, Adolescents and HIV from AIDS 2018
UNICEF Learning Collaborative Webinar: Updates on Children, Adolescents and HIV from AIDS 2018 Thursday, August 9, 2018 9-10:30 AM EST 10th ...
First International Child Protection Conference in Africa
Nairobi, Kenya This conference is aimed at bringing together key stakeholders in the field of Child Protection in Africa. The participants will sha...
Accelerating Children’s HIV/AIDS Treatment (ACT): Post-program Learning & Knowledge
Baylor College of Medicine Children’s Foundation Malawi, with USAID funding, is hosting a satellite session at the International AIDS Conference in ...
22nd International AIDS Conference
The 22nd International AIDS Conference Amsterdam, Netherlands http://www.aids2018.org/...
4th HEU Child and Adolescent Workshop
The International AIDS Society’s CIPHER initiative in partnership with WHO, UNICEF, PHACS and MassGeneral Hospital for Children will host the 4th HE...
Addressing the needs of adolescent girls and young women in the fight against HIV and AIDS
Pre-conference to the International AIDS Conference 2018 Adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) are at the forefront of the HIV epidemic. Due to a...
Integrating Early Childhood Development Interventions into HIV Clinical Care Interventions
Integrating Early Childhood Development Interventions into HIV Clinical Care Interventions The importance of early childhood development (ECD) has ...
Director--Global Social Service Workforce Alliance
The Global Social Service Workforce Alliance is seeking a Director. Please see the full job description for more information. Alliance-Director...
2018 Child and Youth Care Conference
The Child and Youth Care Conference, with a theme of "Transitions and Transformations: influencing change through relational practice" will be held i...
Online Course: Getting Care Right for All Children-Implementing the UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children
Join thousands of colleagues across the world who are working to prevent unwanted separation of children from their families and find great alternativ...
End Violence Solutions Summit
On 14 February, the first-ever Solutions Summit will begin in Stockholm, Sweden. Over 300 delegates from across the world, including government minist...
Webinar: National Social Service Systems for Orphans and Vulnerable Children-Framework for Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation
Please join Measure Evaluation and other professionals in exploring the framework for planning, monitoring, and evaluation, which provides indicators ...
Consultant for Assessing QI Process in OVC Project in Lesotho
The purpose of this Scope of Work is to assess and document Quality Improvement (QI) implementation process in relation to Catholic Relief Services (C...
Senior Director, Child Protection, Save the Children/US
This position provides strategic, technical and managerial leadership for the Child Protection team within the Education and Child Protection departme...
Chief of Party--Better Outcomes for Children and Youth, Uganda
The Bantwana Initiative of World Education (WEI/B) seeks a dynamic and experienced COP candidate for the PEPFAR/USAID Better Outcomes for Children and...
International Conference on AIDS and STIs
"Africa: Ending AIDS Delivery Differently," the International Conference on AIDS and STIs will be held in Cote d'Ivoire http://icasa2017cotedivoire...
The critical role of OVC Programs in increasing access to HTS for children most at risk: lessons from the field and implications for programming
Despite the dramatic success of HIV treatment programs around the world, children remain under-represented in HIV testing numbers and are th...
AIDS Impact 13th International Conference
What will it really take to end the epidemic? http://www.aidsimpact.com/ Cape Town, South Africa...
MER 2.0 Indicators
On October 16, 2017, Christine Fu, USAID Senior OVC Research and Evaluation Advisor, led a webinar on the updates to MER 2.0 Indicators. The webinar...
Webinar: Getting More Bang for the Buck from Community-based health workers in the HIV Response
The purpose of this webinar is to present and review results from OHA-supported research funded through the USAID ASSIST Project on plans of action an...
International Step by Step Association 2017 Conference
Local responses, Global advances: Towards competent early childhood systems Ghent, Belgium http://www.issa.nl/events...
15th European Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect
The Hague, Netherlands http://www.ispcan.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=865455...
Starting with the end in view: Designing OVC programs with responsible exit planning for families, programs and national systems
In support of the 90-90-90 global initiative to end HIV and AIDS, PEPFAR has instituted a data-driven approach to target geographic areas with high HI...
Training of Facilitators Workshop: Singing to the Lions
Become a Facilitator of Singing to the Lions by joining our experiential workshop in Arusha, Tanzania. Training Option 1: August 31-September 2...
Achieving 90-90: Young People, HIV Testing Services and Linkage to Treatment
YouthPower Learning invites you to a webinar organized by YouthPower Action: This webinar will present research res...
4Children Technical Advisor I
4Children is seeking a Technical Advisor to be based in Baltimore, MD. ...
Project Director, 4Children Haiti
CRS is seeking a Project Director (PD) to ensure timely and quality program design, startup, implementation and management of the 4Children program, i...
STRIVE Learning Lab: Transactional sex and HIV risk among young women in rural South Africa
Young women aged 15-24 in sub-Saharan Africa are 3-4 times more likely to be HIV-infected than boys or men of the same age. Transactional sex - sex ex...
Lead Consultant, Evaluation of National Costed Plan of Action for Most Vulnerable Children (2013-2017) for Tanzania
World Education Inc./Bantwana is seeking a Lead Consultant for the evaluation of the National Plan of Action for most vulnerable children in Tanzani...
Pathways to Resilience IV: Global South Perspectives
Cape Town, South Africa http://www.resilienceresearch.org/ptr...
Coordinating Clinic and Community Services through Case Management
On June 14, 2017, the OVC Task Force hosted a webinar on Coordinating Clinic and Community Services through Case Management. Presenters shared thei...
An Introduction to the ASPIRES Vulnerability Assessment Handbook for Economic Strengthening Projects.
The ASPIRES Vulnerability Assessment Handbook for Economic Strengthening Projects provides guidance for implementers looking to understand the economi...
CORE Group Global Health Practitioner Conference
Baltimore, MD, USA https://conference.coregroup.org/...
Symposium on Community Health Workers and their Contribution toward the SDGs
Kampala, Uganda http://chwsymposium.musph.ac.ug/ ...
Project Director, 4Children Uganda
The 4Children Uganda Project Director will be responsible for overall leadership, management, and oversight of the two projects’ activities. This includes monitoring of timelines and outputs, ensuring adherence to technical and financial policies, guidelines, and standards of excellence, overseeing local implementing partner grant compliance, control and monitoring of project activities and expenses, compliance with donor requirements, project reporting and external representation of the project. For more on the position, go here: https://www5.apply2jobs.com/CRS/ProfExt/index.cfm?fuseaction=mExternal.showJob&RID=3196&CurrentPage=1%20...
Webinar: Building the Evidence Base for Social Service Workforce Strengthening
Wednesday, November 9, 2016 10:00am – 11:00am, EST, Washington DC Effectively planning, developing and supporting the workforce is at ...
Children's Rights in Alternative Care: November 8-9, 2016
The Children's Rights in Alternative Care: Walk the Talk Conference will be held in Paris, France on November 8-9, 2016. The Global Social Service Wor...
International Social Service's 6th Annual Fall Conference
ISS-USA’s 6th Annual Conference, The Ties That Bind: Exploring the Causes and Consequences of Children Separated From Their Families Across International Borders, will focus on the legal and human rights of children separated from their biological families across international borders. The 6th Annual Conference will bring together experts in the fields of law, child protection, and human rights, as well as family members who have been successfully reunited....
Conference on International Alternative Care: October 3-5, 2016
Building on the Momentum, a Conference on International Alternative Care, will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on October 3-5, 2016. The Global Social...
Social Service Workforce Week: September 26-30, 2016
Mark your calendar to participate in this year's Social Service Workforce Week, to be held September 26-30. The week is an opportunity to raise awaren...
21st ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect
Protecting our Children, Protecting our Future ...
33rd FICE Congress and 2nd CYC World Conference
Together Towards a Better World for Children, Adolescents and Families ...
Technical Advisor 4Children Swaziland
The Technical Advisor II will work closely with and be based at the Department of Social Welfare to achieve the project objectives, effectively coordi...
21st International AIDS Conference
Global epidemic trends; successes and challenges in implementing and funding evidence-based prevention and treatment interventions in SA...
Biennnial symposium on children affected by AIDS
Children and HIV: Equity Now! Reaching all children in the epidemic...
From Vulnerability to Resilience: Promoting Graduation in OVC Programs
July 12, 2016, 8:45 am – 12:30 pm FHI 360, Greely Hall Conference Room, North Building, 3rd Floor 1825 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, DC Please register for this event at the following link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/from-vulnerabilty-to-resilience-graduation-in-ovc-programs-tickets-25911110830...
Social Protection, Economic Empowerment, and ART Adherence among Adolescents Living with HIV
There is new evidence available examining the potential protective links between social protection, prevention, economic opportunities, and ART adherence among adolescents living with HIV. Two international researchers will share their preliminary results emerging from studies in South Africa and Uganda, detailing different pathways that uncover the connections between economic opportunities, “cash + care” social protection, and HIV treatment outcomes among adolescents living with HIV....
PEPFAR 3.0 and OVC Programming: Implications and Promising Practices for Impact
On 7 October 2015, the OVC Task Force sponsored the event “PEPFAR 3.0 and OVC Programming: Implications and Promising Practices for Impact”. The e...
Linking HIV and Child Protection. Session 1
There is an increasing focus within the children and AIDS community on the need to ensure that child protection contributes to HIV prevention...